Facoltà di Psicologia
A longitudinal study on clinically relevant self-reported depression, anxiety and acute stress features among Italian community-dwelling adults during the COVID-19 related lockdown: Evidence of a predictive role for baseline dysfunctional personality dimensions
2021-01-01 Somma, Antonella; Krueger, R. F.; Markon, K. E.; Gialdi, G.; Colanino, M.; Ferlito, D.; Liotta, C.; Frau, C.; Fossati, A.
A nine-month study on the course of COVID-19 related perceived post-traumatic stress disorder among Italian community-dwelling adults
2021-01-01 Somma, Antonella; Krueger, R. F.; Markon, K. E.; Gialdi, G.; Colanino, M.; Ferlito, D.; Liotta, C.; Fossati, A.
Alternative models of estimating the stop-signal reaction time in the stop-signal paradigm and their differential associations with self-reports of impulsivity domains
2020-01-01 Gialdi, G.; Somma, Antonella; Manara, C. V.; Fossati, A.
Are problem buying and problem gambling addictive, impulsive, or compulsive in nature? A network analysis and latent dimension analysis study in Italian community-dwelling adults
2023-01-01 Somma, A.; Krueger, R. F.; Markon, K. E.; Gialdi, G.; Di Leva, N.; Falcone, E.; Villa, M.; Frau, C.; Fossati, A.
Assessing cyberbullying in adolescence: Psychometric properties and external correlates of the Cyberbullying Experience Scale in Italian community-dwelling adolescents
2023-01-01 Somma, Antonella; Gialdi, Giulia; Arioli, Chiara; De Ciechi, Arianna; Mariani, Valeria; Fossati, Andrea
Assessing Malignant Narcissism and its Associations with Dark Triad Dimensions, Social Deviance, Personality Disorders, Self-Harming Behaviors, Aggression, and Personality Functioning: A Study Among Community-Dwelling Participants and Psychotherapy Participants
2024-01-01 Somma, A.; Gialdi, G.; Arioli, C.; Boscaro, L.; De Ciechi, A.; Mastinu, L.; Frau, C.; Fossati, A.
Assessing Sleep Habits in Italian Community-Dwelling Adolescents: Psychometric Properties of the School Sleep Habits Survey Scales
2022-01-01 Somma, Antonella; Marelli, Sara; Castronovo, Vincenza; Gialdi, Giulia; Castelnuovo, Alessandra; Mombelli, Samantha; Lonati, Irene; Masso, Giovanni; Fossati, Andrea; Ferini-Strambi, Luigi; Nosetti, Luana
Assessing the relationships between individual differences in source monitoring, and psychosis proneness, dissociation, and narcissism dimension in community-dwelling adults
2024-01-01 Somma, A.; Gialdi, G.; Sondrio, F. M.; Sonnewald, G. G.; Fossati, A.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder in the Perspective of the Alternative DSM-5 Model for Personality Disorder: A Study on Italian Community-Dwelling Women
2020-01-01 Somma, A.; Krueger, R. F.; Markon, K. E.; Gialdi, G.; Frau, C.; Boscaro, L.; Liberatore, G.; Fossati, A.
Characterizing vulnerable and grandiose narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy in community-dwelling adult women: The role of cognitive styles, dispositional aggression and deviance, and personality traits
2022-01-01 Somma, Antonella; Gialdi, Giulia; Bersellini, G.; Morgante, E.; Piacentini, C.; Fossati, Andrea
COVID-19 pandemic preventive behaviors and causal beliefs among Italian community dwelling adults
2022-01-01 Somma, A.; Gialdi, G.; Frau, C.; Barranca, M.; Fossati, A.
2019-01-01 Somma, A; Fossati, A; Marelli, S; Frau, C; Barranca, M; Gialdi, G; Castelnuovo, A; Cuomo, R; Ferini Strambi, L
Dysfunctional personality features, non-scientifically supported causal beliefs, and emotional problems during the first month of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy
2020-01-01 Somma, A.; Gialdi, G.; Krueger, R. F.; Markon, K. E.; Frau, C.; Lovallo, S.; Fossati, A.
Environmental agency, moral reasoning, and moral disengagement in adults
2023-01-01 Gialdi, G.; Somma, A.; Songhorian, S.; Bergamelli, N.; Frau, C.; Fossati, A.
Executive Functioning and Personality Traits in Insomnia Disorder: A Preliminary Report on the Clinical Importance of Objective and Subjective Reduction of Total Sleep Time
2020-01-01 Somma, Antonella; Marelli, Sara; Barranca, Margherita; Gialdi, Giulia; Lucini, Chiara; Castelnuovo, Alessandra; Mombelli, Samantha; Ferini-Strambi, Luigi; Fossati, Andrea
Factor Structure, Measurement Invariance Across Gender Sub-Groups, and Normative Data for the Italian Translation of the UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale in Italian Community-Dwelling Adults
2021-01-01 Gialdi, Giulia; Somma, Antonella; Borroni, Serena; Fossati, Andrea
Latent Changes in Perceived Quality of Sleep Related to the COVID-19 Quarantine Measures in Italian University Students: Understanding the Role of Personality and Internalizing Symptoms
2020-01-01 Somma, A.; Marelli, S.; Gialdi, G.; Castelnuovo, A.; Mombelli, S.; Ferini-Strambi, L.; Fossati, A.
Post-traumatic disorder symptom severity in the perspective of hierarchical taxonomy of psychopathology spectra and dysfunctional personality domains among trauma-exposed community-dwelling women
2022-01-01 Somma, Antonella; Krueger, R. F.; Markon, K. E.; Gialdi, G.; Boscaro, L.; Fossati, A.
Predicting nonsuicidal self-injury and suicidal risk: A comparison between the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition Section II personality disorder and alternative model of personality disorders dimensions
2024-01-01 Somma, Antonella; Gialdi, Giulia; Krueger, Robert F.; Markon, Kristian E.; Fossati, Andrea
Task neuropsicologici come misure psicometriche: problematiche dei paradigmi di affidabilità e delle proprietà psicometriche cognitive. Lo strano caso dello Stop-It Task e dell'Iowa Gambling Task.
2023-01-11 Gialdi, Giulia