Purpose: The aim qfrhC' srudy is to im•esrigate human osreohlast-lfke celi hd1cn•ior and grmrth in the prcsence of 3 differenl titanium unplam .WT.frxes. Mate1ials: Hwnan sre111 cells 11'ere .firsr obrained and then sorted hy fluorescence-actimred ce!! sm1er .from mesench.\7nal stem celi clmters o.f lw man denral papi/la. The obtained hwnon dentol papi/la stem cells ll'ere induced m differentiate imo osreohlosr-/ike ce/ls ond were rhen anoly::.ed /;y re1•erse rran scriptase po/ymerose choi11 reocro11 and Wesrem b/or analyses. The ceils pm liferared ond were culrured omo 3 d(f .ferent ritanium discs ( sandhlasred. sondblosted o11d lorge-grir acid erched. ond full comacr cm•erage [FCCj) and anoi,Y:ed by scanning elecrron micmscope. ing the healing period.'' An essential role of osteogenesis processes is played by os lcoblast progenitor sLem cells during recmitment. adhesion. proliferation. differ entimion. and mmeralized mauix deposi tion dllling bone regenera.Lion phases.111 1 Aduh human denral pulp ancl young: hu man dcntal papilb culturcd in osteogenic medium shO\\ cellular phenotypes and minera.hzing capabiliLies sm1il u• to Lhose of osLeoblasL .1'• ' Numerous bone regen eraLive sludics- :" have foundecl lÌlat hu man dcntal papilla slcm cdls (hDPaSCsl. similar l0 Jdull sten celi!->.can difk:•cmiale imo speciali:::.ed c.:cllty!1es b0th in ,.:,.r, and in l'i/i';l .;nu:UJOJlS. C,1\i[Ìnning the f lO.Ìbi\ Ìl\ 0f the:< .: Il lin :; 'l-'flr• CXj'l:.:;irnenlal Results: In ali cmalyses .wmplcs. a high ce/l actil•iry 11'0.\' obsenwl. 1rith G'pical osteoh/ast mawre mor phosrructural respon.1•e 011 rough sw.face. 17le high nwnber c!f•osteoblast like cel/s was.found 011 ritcmiwn FCC discs. At the .mme time. scamzing electron microscnpe analysis co11- .firmed the high hiocomparihili0• (!( this swface. Conclusion: T11e rapid manrration of the osteoblast-like cells nn FCC rira- 11Ìwn sw.face suggests thar rhis stntcwre cnuld play a cenrral mie during i11irial plwses o.f bone heali11g processes.
Purpose: The aim qfrhC' srudy is to im•esrigate human osreohlast-lfke celi hd1cn•ior and grmrth in the prcsence of 3 differenl titanium unplam .WT.frxes. Mate1ials: Hwnan sre111 cells 11'ere .firsr obrained and then sorted hy fluorescence-actimred ce!! sm1er .from mesench.\7nal stem celi clmters o.f lw man denral papi/la. The obtained hwnon dentol papi/la stem cells ll'ere induced m differentiate imo osreohlosr-/ike ce/ls ond were rhen anoly::.ed /;y re1•erse rran scriptase po/ymerose choi11 reocro11 and Wesrem b/or analyses. The ceils pm liferared ond were culrured omo 3 d(f .ferent ritanium discs ( sandhlasred. sondblosted o11d lorge-grir acid erched. ond full comacr cm•erage [FCCj) and anoi,Y:ed by scanning elecrron micmscope. ing the healing period.'' An essential role of osteogenesis processes is played by os lcoblast progenitor sLem cells during recmitment. adhesion. proliferation. differ entimion. and mmeralized mauix deposi tion dllling bone regenera.Lion phases.111 1 Aduh human denral pulp ancl young: hu man dcntal papilb culturcd in osteogenic medium shO\\ cellular phenotypes and minera.hzing capabiliLies sm1il u• to Lhose of osLeoblasL .1'• ' Numerous bone regen eraLive sludics- :" have foundecl lÌlat hu man dcntal papilla slcm cdls (hDPaSCsl. similar l0 Jdull sten celi!->.can difk:•cmiale imo speciali:::.ed c.:cllty!1es b0th in ,.:,.r, and in l'i/i';l .;nu:UJOJlS. C,1\i[Ìnning the f lO.Ìbi\ Ìl\ 0f the:< .: Il lin :; 'l-'flr• CXj'l:.:;irnenlal Results: In ali cmalyses .wmplcs. a high ce/l actil•iry 11'0.\' obsenwl. 1rith G'pical osteoh/ast mawre mor phosrructural respon.1•e 011 rough sw.face. 17le high nwnber c!f•osteoblast like cel/s was.found 011 ritcmiwn FCC discs. At the .mme time. scamzing electron microscnpe analysis co11- .firmed the high hiocomparihili0• (!( this swface. Conclusion: T11e rapid manrration of the osteoblast-like cells nn FCC rira- 11Ìwn sw.face suggests thar rhis stntcwre cnuld play a cenrral mie during i11irial plwses o.f bone heali11g processes.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.