Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 400
NA - Nord America 302
AS - Asia 215
OC - Oceania 2
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 921
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 297
SE - Svezia 227
CN - Cina 108
SG - Singapore 92
RU - Federazione Russa 56
IT - Italia 54
DE - Germania 16
FI - Finlandia 13
IE - Irlanda 12
IN - India 8
FR - Francia 6
GB - Regno Unito 6
CA - Canada 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
AU - Australia 2
ES - Italia 2
LT - Lituania 2
UA - Ucraina 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AM - Armenia 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
EU - Europa 1
GE - Georgia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
NL - Olanda 1
TR - Turchia 1
UY - Uruguay 1
Totale 921
Città #
Singapore 65
Ashburn 61
Lawrence 58
Princeton 58
Shanghai 56
Moscow 33
Milan 18
New York 15
Helsinki 13
Dublin 12
Pune 7
Los Angeles 6
Wilmington 6
Rome 5
Guangzhou 4
Montreal 4
San Francisco 4
Beijing 3
Islington 3
Xi'an 3
Benevento 2
Dallas 2
Flemington 2
Lissone 2
Livorno 2
Madrid 2
Marano di Napoli 2
Munich 2
Prague 2
Seattle 2
Siena 2
Uzhhorod 2
Van Nuys 2
Vaprio d'Adda 2
Vilnius 2
Wuxi 2
Ambrolauri 1
Amsterdam 1
Boardman 1
Boulder 1
Bracknell 1
Brno 1
Buffalo 1
Central District 1
Council Bluffs 1
Dalkeith 1
Darjeeling 1
Dubai 1
Foshan 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
Genoa 1
Hangzhou 1
Huzhou 1
Istanbul 1
Jiaxing 1
Jinan 1
Lauffen am Neckar 1
Leeds 1
Limbiate 1
Lyon 1
Margaretville 1
Naples 1
Newington 1
Paola 1
Paysandú 1
Roedermark 1
Shaoyang 1
Shenzhen 1
St Petersburg 1
Vientiane 1
Washington 1
Wenling 1
Wuppertal 1
Yerevan 1
Zhengzhou 1
Totale 505
Nome #
How bad is it to report a slur? An empirical investigation 26
Are you really cursing? Neural processing of taboo words in native and foreign language 26
Conosco persone omosessuali una ricerca esplorativa degli effetti del contatto sull'omofobia e sostegno ai diritti LGBT in Italia 24
Investigating sexual dimorphism in human brain structure by combining multiple indexes of brain morphology and source-based morphometry 23
Beyond genes: A systematic review of environmental risk factors in specific reading disorder 22
Bilingual language processing: A meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging studies 22
Foreign to whom? Constraining the moral foreign language effect on bilinguals' language experience 21
Visual complexity of graphical user interfaces 21
Second language use rather than second language knowledge relates to changes in white matter microstructure 21
Bilingualism as a gradient measure modulates functional connectivity of language and control networks 20
The relationship between bilingual experience and gyrification in adulthood: A cross-sectional surface-based morphometry study 20
Behavioral assessment of activity-based-anorexia: how cognition can become the drive wheel 20
Decision-making depends on language: A meta-analysis of the Foreign Language Effect 20
Sulcal Pattern Variability and Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex Functional Connectivity Across Adult Age 19
Cingulate cortex morphology impacts on neurofunctional activity and behavioral performance in interference tasks 19
The bilingual structural connectome: Dual-language experiential factors modulate distinct cerebral networks 19
From sound to meaning: Phonology-to-Semantics mapping in visual word recognition 19
Analyzing spatial data from mouse tracker methodology: An entropic approach 19
fNIRS Reveals Enhanced Brain Activation to Female (versus Male) Infant Directed Speech (relative to Adult Directed Speech) in Young Human Infants 19
Early and multiple-loci divergency of proper and common names: An event-related potential investigation 19
Editorial: Bridging Reading Aloud and Speech Production 18
Accento e sillabe nei modelli computazionali della lettura: è così semplice leggere unità polisillabiche? 17
Effetti dell'informazione metrica e segmentale nella produzione di parole 17
Gay- and Lesbian-Sounding Auditory Cues Elicit Stereotyping and Discrimination 16
Early markers of lexical stress in visual word recognition 16
Design guidelines for web readability 16
When Characters Impact on Dubbing: The Role of Sexual Stereotypes on Voice Actor/Actress’ Preferences 16
Neuroplasticity across the lifespan and aging effect in bilinguals and monolinguals 16
ACC Sulcal Patterns and Their Modulation on Cognitive Control Efficiency Across Lifespan: A Neuroanatomical Study on Bilinguals and Monolinguals 16
Synaptic plasticity mechanisms behind TMS efficacy: insights from its application to animal models 16
Slurs in quarantine 15
Discriminating between mothers’ infant- and adult-directed speech: Cross-linguistic generalizability from Japanese to Italian and German 15
Priming lexical stress in reading Italian aloud 14
“È un buon leader?”: Orientamento sessuale, stereotipi di genere e discriminazione nelle posizioni di leadership 14
Stress still affects articulatory planning in reading aloud: A reply to White and Besner (2016) 14
Q2Stress: A database for multiple cues to stress assignment in Italian 14
Stress assignment in reading Italian: Friendship outweighs dominance 13
Syllable Frequency and Stress Priming Interact in Reading Italian Aloud. 13
Mindfulness: «Occidentali's karma?» 13
Stereotypical disease inferences from gay/lesbian vs. heterosexual voice 13
The sound of voice: Voice-based categorization of speakers' sexual orientation within and across languages 12
Le non-parole possono attivare emozioni? Uno studio empirico 12
When two newly-acquired words are one: new words differing in stress alone are not automatically represented differently 12
La frequenza sillabica nella lettura di parole 12
Serial mechanism in transposed letters effects: A developmental study 12
STRESYL: An Italian Stress-in-Syllables database for reading research 12
The process of stress assignment in reading aloud: Critical issues from studies on Italian 12
L'intervento delle sillabe nei processi di produzione e riconoscimento visivo delle parole 12
If experience is not enough: Understanding multilingualism through early neurobiological variability 12
The segment-to-frame association in word reading: early effects of the interaction between segmental and suprasegmental information 12
Thinking outside the box: The brain-bilingualism relationship in the light of early neurobiological variability 11
Lexical stress, frequency and stress neighborhood effects in the early stages of Italian reading development. 11
When orthography is not enough: The effect of lexical stress in lexical decision. 11
Stress assignment in the development of reading aloud: Nonword priming effects on Italian children 11
On the time course of lexical stress priming in speech production: Behavioral and ERPs evidence from a free-stress language 11
It takes biking to learn: Physical activity improves learning a second language 11
Spatial congruency effects exist, just not for words: Looking into Estes, Verges, Barsalou 11
Italians use abstract knowledge about lexical stress during spoken-word recognition 11
Stress priming and syllable frequency interact while reading aloud 10
Stress affects articulatory planning in reading aloud 10
Reading segments is not reading words: Comment on Kawamoto et al. (2014) 10
Language Specific Listening of Japanese Geminate Consonants: Cross-linguistic study 9
Stress in context: Morpho-syntactic properties affect lexical stress assignment in reading aloud 9
Stress assignment in reading Italian polysyllabic pseudowords 8
null 1
Totale 986
Categoria #
all - tutte 15.618
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 15.618

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20204 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2
2020/20214 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0
2021/202261 0 0 0 21 7 2 6 2 5 8 3 7
2022/2023412 135 96 28 11 8 58 31 29 10 0 6 0
2023/2024206 3 4 33 53 24 33 3 12 1 2 22 16
2024/2025264 119 3 9 49 46 38 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 986